Why I think Brittney Smith rocks!
1. She has gone with me to
Normalville and survived
2. She has great hair
3. She is super cute
4. She sends me funny pictures
5. Her cell phone is silver
6. She posts on my blog
7. Her blog is awesome!
8. She likes roller coasters
9. She shares a birthday with her mom (and 5 days after my sister)
10. Sometimes she is silly
11. She is a great swimmer (especially those great turns)
12. She loves her family and friends
13. She has really good
quizzes14. She plays the guitar
15. She makes really good snow cones
16. She is the only 11 year old friend I have
17. She is a really good dresser
18. She is kind and friendly
19. She is a great big sister
20. She plays good music
21. She tells great stories
22. She has a really cute giggle (I live to call it the MG)