Today my dad and I started a buisiness called Arizona Ink. We had our first customer arrive this evening and chose this lovely butterfly tattoo. When my dad and I finished the job, my dad asked the girl why she chose a "tramp stamp". You should have seen the look in his eyes when she said that I am not allowed to show a tattoo in kindegarten. He then asked her how old she was and she said "4". I think we are now out of business because my dad took of with all his stuff and I don't think he is going to be back. I am packing right now to leave for unknown places before this girls mom finds out. Business would have been good with at least one customer, but we didn't even get paid for this one. I can't believe that my dad didn't notice that she was only 4. Thanks dad!
I love an enterpreneur. Very funny post.
No tramp stamps for any of you!
Will you tattoo me for my birthday?
You are so creative.
Weird! But creative.
I love you!
This is not funny. Why would you mar your skin this way.
You are too funny. You might grow up to be a writer. Well, done. G'ma Rae
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