Thursday, June 21, 2007

What's Your Super Power?

What's your super power take this quiz and find out.

1: Is your life interesting or not?

2: Do you wish to fly or walk?

3: What do like better doing,watching TV all day or getting a lot of exercise?

4: Do you want to try to save the world or just wish you could?

What is your super power?

If you said answers: 1: interesting 2: fly 3: exercise 4: try to save the world

than your super power is, caring about people!

If you said answers: 1: not interesting 2: walk 3: watching TV all day 4: wish you could save the world

than your super power is your a wisher but nothing happens.


Kim Thomas said...

How happy am I to pull up this page and see Wonder Woman? The best super hero ever!!!!!! (And she is from Phoenix too)

Yeah!!! I care about people :)

Britney Smith said...

Good job Kim you care about people and I do to!

Jane said...

This is the best quiz of all times!!!!!

Wonder Twin Powers--ACTIVATE!!!

Anonymous said...

I love super powers--
My super power is loving you!
