It's almost school time I can't wait because I'm going to be in Sixth Grade and that's the oldest group at my school! Well I hope everyone out there will have a wonderful school year I know I will!
Well as you may or may not know I went camping here are some pictures from camping when we went to the creek. I know that I'm sooooooooooo beautiful in these pictures {does everyone agree} I hope so!
I know I haven't updated in a while, the reason is that I was on a Camping Trip. The things that were so much fun were Rock Hopping {fell in between 5 & 10 times} and walking around our camp site! I have to say that I had a wonderful trip!
Kim, this is a cartoon for you about ketchup {ketch up} do you get it give me a comment about what thought of it! Also the 22 things about what I like about you are on the way, Melody and I still thinking of them!